Sunday, October 3, 2010


Something that is really frustrating to me is having to clean out the fridge.  Oh, yeah...... and finding tons of once good leftovers now shriveling away and to the point of disgust.  Relate, anyone? 

When I think of how much I have thrown away, it's not a happy thought.  Remember your parents telling you about those starving children in China who would love to have your food?  I have friends who right now have just returned from Haiti where they are in the process of adopting 2 children.  They have been to Haiti 3 times now, and the stories they can tell about those kids who actually are hungry all the time, is so incredibly sad.  I'd love to have them all over for dinner and fatten their little bellies up, that's what!

But, since I can't really do that, I can at least take care of my leftovers and do right by them, right?

Obviously we aren't the quickest or the best at eating up left over food, and I have taken action.  Now, after supper, I package up the leftovers into meal size dishes and freeze them for later.  I do have a food saver and use it quite often, but hadn't used it for this purpose before.  Since I don't plan on keeping these meals in the freezer for long, I find that the cheapo Glad containers are fine and suit my need just fine.  Also, I used some tv dinner trays that I had.

This is our last meal I froze:
Marinated Chicken, Seasoned Rice, and Baked Beans


I filled each little compartment of these little tv trays for the kids':

Then I covered with aluminum foil, wrote on the top what's inside:

 I have enough different meals like this frozen in the freezer, that a few different nights we can all have "Homemade TV Dinners"!!  How great is that?  Each of us will pick out which meal we want, I can pop them into the microwave and Voila!  supper is served.

Now that's the kind of easy I like.

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