I was tagged by a friend to do this on my blog....and knowing how you all are just sitting on the edges of your seats waiting to see my 10 things (insert some sarcasm here lol), here goes:
1. I like mustard on my toast for a snack. (Don't knock it til you try it!)
2. I don't like the color purple.
3. I can drive a stick shift, but don't like to and will avoid it.
4. Before bed, I read. Every single night. It's how I get to sleep, otherwise I am up all night.
5. Elmer Kelton is my favorite author.
6. I met Melissa Sue Anderson from Little House on the Prairie and she was very nice.
7. My favorite flower is Lily of the Valley.
8. I have t-boned a vehicle while going 65 mph, and walked (limped) away. Not my fault, the other driver's.
9. Spiders don't bother me, but I hate, yes I hate, mosquitoes, leeches and woodticks.
10. I whistle all the time when alone, or cleaning, or whatever. It's a habit I picked up from my Grampa.
Okay, you're next!
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