Friday, January 20, 2012

-3 and -8

Today, we are having a freezing day!  This morning it was -3* (without wind chill factor) and tonight it will be -8* (again, without the wind chill factored in!).  This makes for a pretty cold day!

Let's just say that it's so cold, that the dogs don't dilly dally outside!

It's so cold that the school kids aren't allowed outside during the day to play. 

It's so cold, that the Amish aren't even hanging their laundry outside today.  And for THAT to happen, you know it's cold.

So, today is my day for the smell (one day I'll post my recipes for my homemade soaps I make!).  Also, today is a good day for cuddling with a blanket and catching up on some taped shows, and while I'm doing that, I'll be cutting out tags all day.

Tonight, it's supper out and a movie! Sounds like a great day to me!

Here is the gallery where I got the snowflake image up top.  They say no 2 snowflakes are the same, and this photographer has taken beautiful pictures of some of them! 
Check them out HERE.

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